Does the Slipper Fit?

Written by Frank Shepke, President and CEO
Published on March 25, 2024

The other thing to keep in mind is whether these communities have a full range of services if things change and you need more care based upon declining physical health or memory impairment. There are many communities that may offer independent living but if your life circumstances change, do you really want to have to move again to another location or find another service at a time when you are at your most vulnerable?

Many individuals that have found themselves in this situation know how difficult this can be when the “chips are down” and the need to move on becomes readily apparent. For those who are good planners, it is wise to look for retirement communities that not only meet their budget and lifestyle needs, but also can provide a higher level of care when the time comes.

For many, the time to really start exploring options comes in their seventies when decisions are made to give up the rigors of home ownership and find the time to focus on wellness and social engagement with age appropriate peers.  In fact, many people that move to retirement communities often find a new social network of like-minded neighbors that share common bonds and life experiences. It’s also an opportunity to explore new hobbies, activities, and friendships that may not be available in traditional neighborhoods.

Of course at Lutheran Homes, we have many options based on these factors but the important thing is taking the time to visit a campus and see if the “slipper fits” which is the key to a good Cinderella story that ends well. I hope for those reading this blog, you’ll find your best “retirement slipper” and live a long, happy, and engaged life in your golden years!

God Bless